Wood Floor Types:    

• SOLID wood flooring is a solid piece of wood from top to bottom, with a thickness averaging 3/4" to 5/16". Solid wood flooring can be sanded and refinished many times. Solid wood floors are ideal for just about every room in your home. The only place you can't use solid wood flooring is in the basement, but there is a solution for that area too.

• ENGINEERED wood flooring is made of three to five layers of real wood veneers. The top layer consists of high-quality wood which can be sanded and refinished, but not as many times as solid wood flooring. Engineered wood will expand and contract less than solid wood flooring during fluctuations in humidity and temperature, making it an ideal for slab and basement installations.

Wood Floor Styles:

•STRIP flooring ranges from 1 1/2" to 3" wide, and creates a linear effect in a room, often making the room appear larger. Strip flooring is generally considered "traditional" wood flooring.

• PLANK flooring ranges from 3" - 12" wide. While plank flooring is linear, like strip flooring, its wider widths create a more casual look.

• PARQUET flooring can vary in size, and usually creates a geometric, non-linear look. Parquet flooring patterns and designs range from the very simple to extremely complex.